Kenneth R. Tilashalski


Kenneth R. Tilashalski, D.M.D. (“Dr. T”) is quite unique in that he has earned specialty certificates in both oral & maxillofacial pathology and endodontics. He is Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry, and also holds an appointment at the School of Medicine. He is also currently interim director of the endodontic residency program.

After receiving his D.M.D. from Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine, Dr. Tilashalski completed both of his residencies along with an American Cancer Society fellowship at the University of Alabama. Prior to promotion to associate dean, Dr. T served as director of the urgent care & treatment planning clinics, chair of diagnostic sciences, and director of academic affairs.

Dr. T is a clinician and treats both endodontic and oral medicine/pathology patients. Always generous with his time, he serves as a consultant to the practicing dental community. He works with the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama in a variety of capacities including as an expert witness in the recent defense preventing non-dentists from providing teeth-whitening services. In addition, he is an avid researcher with interests in smokeless tobacco, smoking cessation, mucocutaneous diseases, and endodontic treatment outcomes.

Dr. T is passionate about educating dental health care professionals. He lectures extensively nationally and internationally in the areas of infection control, oral pathology, oral medicine, and endodontics. He is the director of courses in each year of the dental curriculum at UAB including the postdoctoral residency programs. Through his command of the material, Dr. T has gained a reputation as one of the dental school’s most popular professors. He was honored as a recipient of the UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching for his practical, high-energy, and entertaining style.

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