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Presented by Dianne Glasscoe Watterson
R.D.H., M.B.A., G.C.-C.

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PACE Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education

$59 Pricing

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Course Description


In treating today’s periodontal patient successfully, the clinician must customize a treatment plan that goes beyond the removal of plaque and calculus. Achieving excellent clinical outcomes involves assessing for systemic issues, communicating and customizing home care according to the patient’s level of understanding and ability to perform home care procedures, and choosing appropriate adjuncts to care. In this two-part pre-recorded webinar, you will learn effective strategies for treating the periodontal patient from A-Z. You will gain a greater understanding of disease pathogenesis and progression and learn why an effective antimicrobial approach is an important part of disease control. We will explore the multi-faceted treatment planning approach that includes scheduling and coding, adjuncts to care, and choosing appropriate home care aids. We will examine documentation for periodontal care and explore strategies for dealing with informed consent and refusal of definitive care.

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the microbial and host factors involved in periodontal breakdown
  2. Dissect the pathogenesis of periodontitis
  3. Explore biofilm considerations and inflammation control
  4. Discuss various oral irrigants and their efficacy
  5. Choose adjuncts to care based on severity and appropriateness
  6. Explore the most prominent systemic disease interrelationships with periodontitis
  7. Understand the value of risk assessment as an adjunct to care
  8. Understand the limitations of bleeding on probing as a sign of disease

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$59 Pricing

Refund Policy

Special Needs or Requests? Please Call the office for assistance.

Advanced Hygiene Therapy – Developing a Comprehensive Approach (Part 1)

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