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At Concord Dental & Medical Seminars, we’re here to make getting your CE quick, easy, and convenient.

We’re an Arkansas provider with the official credentials in place to provide you with the certificates you need in order to grow your career. Review your state’s requirements below along with the opportunities we provide to assist you in earning your next CE.

What is my Renewal Cycle?

DENTISTS - The first reporting period will begin January 1, 1994 and end December 31, 1995. Each reporting period will start on an even numbered year.
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - The first reporting period will begin January 1, 1994 and end December 31, 1995. Each reporting period will start on an even numbered year.
ASSISTANTS - Every 2 Years

How Many Credits Do I Need?

DENTISTS - The requirement for minimum continuing education for Arkansas licensed dentists will be fifty (50) CEUs for every two (2) year reporting period.
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - The requirement for minimum continuing education for Arkansas licensed dental hygienists will be forty (40) CEUs for every two (2) year reporting period.
ASSISTANTS - Infection control (2 hours)

What, if Any, Are The Mandatory Subjects?

DENTISTS - "At least 1 CE hour in each 2-year reporting period must be on the subject of the infection control. Each licensed dentist, dental hygienist, and registered dental assistant must take a Healthcare Provider level of cardiopulmonary resuscitation course"
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - At least 1 CE hour in each 2-year reporting period must be on the subject of the infection control. Each licensed dentist, dental hygienist, and registered dental assistant must take a Healthcare Provider level of cardiopulmonary resuscitation course
ASSISTANTS - You must successfully complete a nitrous oxide administration and monitoring course by one of the Board's approved instructors Current certificate in cardiopulmonary resuscitation of Basic Life Support level.

Is There a Limit to The Number of Online Classes

Home study courses which include a post-test and the issuance of a certificate of completion will be accepted.

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