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At Concord Dental & Medical Seminars, we’re here to make getting your CE quick, easy, and convenient.

We’re a Tennessee provider with the official credentials in place to provide you with the certificates you need in order to grow your career. Review your state’s requirements below along with the opportunities we provide to assist you in earning your next CE.

What is my Renewal Cycle?

DENTISTS - Dentists are required to complete continuing education during the two calendar year cycle (January 1 of an odd year - December 31 of an even year)
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - Dental hygienists are required to complete continuing education during the two calendar year cycle (January 1 of an odd year - December 31 of an even year)
ASSISTANTS - All registered dental assistants are required to complete continuing education during the two calendar year cycle (January 1 of an odd year - December 31 of an even year)

How Many Credits Do I Need?

DENTISTS - Dentists are all required to fulfill 40 hours of continuing education during the two calendar year cycle
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - Dental hygienists are all required to fulfill 30 hours of continuing education during the two calendar year cycle
ASSISTANTS - All registered dental assistants are all required to fulfill 24 hours of continuing education during the two calendar year cycle

What, if Any, Are The Mandatory Subjects?

DENTISTS - "Current CPR A minimum of 2 of the required 40 biennial hours must be obtained in the area of prescribing of controlled substances education which includes instruction in the TN Chronic Pain Guidelines Dentists who hold a Limited Conscious Sedation, Comprehensive Conscious Sedation or Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia permit must also complete a minimum of 4 hours of the required 40 biennial hours in the subject of sedation and/or anesthesia"
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - "Current CPR A minimum of 2 of the required 30 biennial hours must be obtained in the area of chemical dependency education"
ASSISTANTS - "Current CPR A minimum of 2 of the required 24 biennial hours must be obtained in the area of chemical dependency education"

Is There a Limit to The Number of Online Classes


Upcoming Events in Tennessee


Comprehensive Overview of Oral Pathology

Credit Hours: 8 ET

Chattanooga, Tennessee
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Comprehensive Overview of Oral Pathology

Credit Hours: 8 ET

Knoxville, Tennessee
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Current Concepts in Periodontal Therapy

Credit Hours: 8 ET

Knoxville, Tennessee
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