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At Concord Dental & Medical Seminars, we’re here to make getting your CE quick, easy, and convenient.

We’re a Minnesota provider with the official credentials in place to provide you with the certificates you need in order to grow your career. Review your state’s requirements below along with the opportunities we provide to assist you in earning your next CE.

What is my Renewal Cycle?

DENTISTS - The initial professional development cycle begins on the date licensure is granted by the board and ends on the last day of the licensee's birth month in either an even-numbered or odd-numbered year that corresponds with the licensee's year of birth. A biennial professional development cycle coincides with the biennial renewal period. Each biennial renewal cycle consists of a 24-month period beginning on the first day of the month following expiration of the previous cycle
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - The initial professional development cycle begins on the date licensure is granted by the board and ends on the last day of the licensee's birth month in either an even-numbered or odd-numbered year that corresponds with the licensee's year of birth. A biennial professional development cycle coincides with the biennial renewal period. Each biennial renewal cycle consists of a 24-month period beginning on the first day of the month following expiration of the previous cycle.
ASSISTANTS - The initial cycle for each licensee begins on the date of initial licensure and ends on the last day of the licensee's birth month in either an even-numbered or odd-numbered year that corresponds with the licensee's year of birth. A biennial professional development cycle coincides with the biennial licensure periods for each dentist, dental therapist, dental hygienist, or licensed dental assistant. Each biennial renewal cycle consists of a 24-month period beginning on the first day of the month following expiration of the previous professional development cycle.

How Many Credits Do I Need?

DENTISTS - Dentists must complete 50 total hours every 2 years (30 Minimum Fundamental Hours and 20 max Elective Hours)
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - Dental Hygienists must complete 25 total hours every 2 years (15 Minimum Fundamental Hours and 10 max Elective Hours)
ASSISTANTS - Licensed Dental Assistants must complete 25 total hours every 2 years (15 Minimum Fundamental Hours and 10 max Elective Hours)

What, if Any, Are The Mandatory Subjects?

DENTISTS - "Licensees must maintain continuous CPR certification. Course must be a healthcare provider level course (BLS) taken through only the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association. Each licensee must complete an infection control course during each biennial cycle period. The self-assessment is based on the core subject areas. This activity is required for each biennial cycle and is worth one (1) fundamental credit. All dentists who prescribe controlled substances must obtain two (2) hours of CE on best practices in prescribing opioids and controlled substances"
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - Licensees must maintain continuous CPR certification. Course must be a healthcare provider level course (BLS) taken through only the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association. Each licensee must complete an infection control course during each biennial cycle period. The self-assessment is based on the core subject areas. This activity is required for each biennial cycle and is worth one (1) fundamental credit.
ASSISTANTS - Licensees must maintain continuous CPR certification. Course must be a healthcare provider level course (BLS) taken through only the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association. Each licensee must complete an infection control course during each biennial cycle period. The self-assessment is based on the core subject areas. This activity is required for each biennial cycle and is worth one (1) fundamental credit.

Is There a Limit to The Number of Online Classes

"Fundamental activities for an initial or biennial cycle must directly relate to clinical dental services to patients. Fundamental activities include Clinical subjects that are covered through seminars, webinars or lectures. Elective activities include self-study directly relating to dentistry"

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