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At Concord Dental & Medical Seminars, we’re here to make getting your CE quick, easy, and convenient.

We’re a Michigan provider with the official credentials in place to provide you with the certificates you need in order to grow your career. Review your state’s requirements below along with the opportunities we provide to assist you in earning your next CE.

What is my Renewal Cycle?

DENTISTS - Every three years, all Michigan dentists must renew their licenses and certify compliance with state continuing education rules by submitting their application for license renewal.
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - Every three years.
ASSISTANTS - Dentistry licenses expire every 3 years

How Many Credits Do I Need?

DENTISTS - Every dentist is required to complete, during the 3-year period prior to the date of application for renewal of the license, not less than 60 hours of continuing education
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - RDHs are required to complete a minimum of 36 credit hours of CE over a three-year period.
ASSISTANTS - Every dental hygienist and dental assistant is required to complete, during the 3-year period prior to the date of application for renewal of the license, not less than 36 hours of continuing education

What, if Any, Are The Mandatory Subjects?

DENTISTS - "All dentists, beginning with the 2020 renewal cycle, and all renewal cycles thereafter, are required to have completed training in identifying victims of human trafficking. Please note this is a one-time training that is separate from continuing education. Must complete 3 hours of board approved continuing education in pain and symptom management related to the practice of dentistry. CE hours may include, but are not limited to, courses in behavior management, psychology of pain, pharmacology, behavior modification, stress management, clinical applications, and drug interactions. Must possess current certification in basic or advanced cardiac life support One hour in dental ethics and jurisprudence with inclusion of delegation of duties to allied dental personnel. One hour in infection control, which must include sterilization of hand pieces, personal protective equipment, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s infection control guidelines."
DENTAL HYGIENISTS - "The 36 hours of continuing education must include all of the following: At least 2 hours in pain and symptom management. One hour in dental ethics and jurisprudence with inclusion of delegation of duties to allied dental personnel. One hour in infection control, which must include sterilization of hand pieces, personal protective equipment, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s infection control"
ASSISTANTS - "The 36 hours of continuing education must include all of the following: At least 2 hours in pain and symptom management. One hour in dental ethics and jurisprudence with inclusion of delegation of duties to allied dental personnel. One hour in infection control, which must include sterilization of hand pieces, personal protective equipment, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s infection control guidelines."

Is There a Limit to The Number of Online Classes

Dentists must complete a minimum of 20 hours of the required continuing education hours by attending synchronous, live courses or programs that provide for direct interaction between faculty and participants, including, but not limited to, lectures, symposia, live teleconferences, workshops. No more than 30 hours of the required continuing education hours may be asynchronously, noninteractive. RDHs must complete a minimum of 12 hours of the required continuing education hours by attending synchronous, live courses or programs that provide for direct interaction between faculty and participants including, but not limited to, lectures, symposia, live teleconferences, workshops. No more than 18 of the 36 hours of the required continuing education hours may be asynchronously, noninteractive.

Upcoming Events in Michigan


Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy: Disease Identification, Instrumentation, and Evidence-Based Updates

Credit Hours: 8 ET

Livonia, Michigan
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Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy: Disease Identification, Instrumentation, and Evidence-Based Updates

Credit Hours: 8 ET

Midland, Michigan
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Oral Cancer & Diseases: Case Presentation of Lumps, Bumps & Lesions

Credit Hours: 8 ET

Midland, Michigan
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Oral Cancer & Diseases: Case Presentation of Lumps, Bumps & Lesions

Credit Hours: 8 ET

Grand Rapids, Michigan
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