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Presented by John A. Svirsky
D.D.S., M.Ed.

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PACE Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education

$39 Pricing

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Course Description

Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology

This pre-recorded webinar will be a review of physical and chemical injuries. Some unusual presentations you never imagined will show up. The course will include electrical and other burns, traumatic injuries, osteonecrosis, oral sexual practices, chemotherapy complications, cosmetic fillers and much more. Just to keep your interest, chewers, pickers, pokers and “midnight tokers” will make appearances. Get ready to have wild oral pathology ride. Due to graphic content shown, this course is rated PG 13.

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a logical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of burns and traumatic injuries
  2. Develop a logical approach to the management of radiation complications
  3. Recognize traumatic injuries from both heat and cold
  4. Recognize and treat lesions related to physical and chemical injuries
  5. Develop a logical approach to the management of chemotherapy complications
  6. Recognize oral sexual injuries
  7. Diagnose and treat osteonecrosis
  8. Recognize lesions found in pickers and chewers

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$39 Pricing

Refund Policy

Special Needs or Requests? Please Call the office for assistance.

It’s More than Physical and Other Love Stories

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