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Presented by Amber D. Riley

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PACE Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education

$39 Pricing

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Course Description

Forensic Odontology

The roles that our dental professions serve for law enforcement and other forensic sciences continues to evolve. Forensic odontology contributes a scientifically sound method human identification, be it a single individual or a multiple fatality incident. We serve in critical positions of intervention when we are trained to recognize abuse, even in subtle, less obvious manifestations in the patients we see, our families, friends and communities. Forensic odontology serves missing person and cold case investigations, and in matters of civil litigation that examine the parameters or standards of providing dental care within the licensee’s scope of practice and much more!

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:

  1. Reinforce the value and dependability of accurate dental records to many matters of civil and criminal law.
  2. Be introduced to NamUs, the collaborative effort of County, State and National systems for the Missing, Unidentified, Unclaimed Persons and Missing, Unidentified and Unclaimed Indigenous Persons (AI/AN).
  3. Interpersonal violence recognition and indications of abuse and harm will be discussed.
  4. Develop resources as trauma informed health care providers to include, office protocols and action plans for employees, patients and your practice community to intervene when abuse is recognized or suspected.

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$39 Pricing

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Special Needs or Requests? Please Call the office for assistance.

Forensic Odontology: A fresh look at the modern applications of dental science to the law

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