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Presented by John A. Svirsky
D.D.S., M.Ed.

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PACE Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education

$39 Pricing

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Course Description

Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology

This pre-recorded webinar will present a potpourri of interesting cases seen by Dr. Svirsky or emailed to him over the past few years. In this course, participants learn how to describe a lesion, develop a differential diagnosis and treat the condition. Dr. Svirsky will show how he approaches cases to arrive at a diagnosis. Areas to be covered include: oral cancer, tumors, erythema multiform, burns, chronic ulcerative stomatitis, candidiasis, salivary gland tumors, oral complications of drug abuse, soda mouth, methotrexate toxicity, herpes zoster and many other interesting cases seen in his 40 years as an oral medicine man. Get ready to laugh, learn and make a difference in the diagnosis and treatment of your patients.

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:

  1. Develop a logical approach to the diagnosis of oral lesions.
  2. Learn to describe and develop a differential diagnosis of various clinical cases.
  3. Learn to treat selected oral diseases and distinguish “good from bad”.
  4. Understand the importance of vaccines
  5. Develop an understanding of various diseases: oral cancer, tumors, erythema multiform, burns, chronic ulcerative stomatitis, candidiasis, salivary gland tumors, oral complications of drug abuse, soda mouth, methotrexate toxicity, herpes zoster

Register Today!

$39 Pricing

Refund Policy

Special Needs or Requests? Please Call the office for assistance.

A Patient Can Have as Many Diseases as They Pleases

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