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Presented by Nancy Dewhirst
R.D.H., B.S.

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PACE Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education

$39 Pricing

Refund Policy

Special Needs or Requests? Please Call the office for assistance.

Course Description

Health and Safety

Let’s kick start your personal and professional readiness. Participants learn how to use their skills, training and experience to prepare for, assess and respond to disasters. Shelter-in-place or evacuation strategies and scenarios are presented for a variety of situations, including weather disasters such as earthquakes, floods and tornados, epidemics, and accidental or purposeful chemical or radiation exposure, terrorist acts, fire and explosions.

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:

  1. Recognize types of disasters
  2. Describe appropriate courses of action based on types of disasters
  3. Identify primary and secondary biological / disease threats related to disasters
  4. Learn about options for personal and local planning
  5. Begin the process of preparing a survival pack

Register Today!

$39 Pricing

Refund Policy

Special Needs or Requests? Please Call the office for assistance.

Surprise! It’s A Disaster!! Now What?

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